Manufacturer of underground containers for your city


containers produced

CITY - Underground containers full sunken into the ground
Fiberglass container in volume 3,2 m3 for collecting assorted or communal waste is placed in full under the ground level. It´s stored in a round fiberglass shaft. Visual or aesthetic parts of the underground containers represent the column with a garbage drop-in hole and the covering upper floor as a normal walking area. Our offer of upper flooring includes a wide range of materials and color designs. We can deliver the columns made either of fiberglass in any color, or in high-quality coated metal. The shaft is protected by safety barrier during emptying the container.
CITY Q – Underground containers full sunken into the ground – NEW
This underground container is in contrast to our previous underground containers (SEMI and CITY) with a square base. Fiberglass container with quadratic shape in volumes 3, 4 and 5 m3 for the collection of assorted and communal waste are placed completely under the ground. The underground part of the container is placed in a square fiberglass shaft, which is protected with safety barrier during the emptying. Dimensions of a new underground container are more favorable for the completion of the works.
SEMI - Underground containers partially sunken into the ground
The container for collecting of assorted or communal waste itself containing of 1,5, 3 and 5 cubic meters is - like all other Reflex products - made of fiberglass and is located largely below the ground level. The underground part of the container is stored in a circular shaft, above-ground fiberglass part can be decorated by wood construction or concrete with nice stones. In the upper lid of the container is placed the opening for waste. Coverage of the upper part can be in any color according to the type of waste.
SEMI BAG - Underground containers partially sunken into the ground with bag for waste
Visually the same product as an underground container SEMI, but with highly resistant bag instead fiberglass container. The volume is 3 m3 and 5 m3. SEMI BAG can be used for all kind of waste. Underground part, respectively bag is stored in a round fiberglass shaft, above-ground fiberglass part can be decorated by wood construction or concrete with nice stones. In the upper lid of the container is placed the opening for waste. Coverage of the upper part can be in any color according to the type of waste.
BBS – Underground container partially embedded in concrete box
A square fiberglass container for assorted and communal waste positioned partially embedded in concrete box. At the BBS-3,2 m3 half of the concrete box is underground and above ground part with decorative concrete also serves as a safety barrier and prevents any fall to the underground shaft during the emptying of the container. The concrete surface can be adjusted according customer´s wishes and type of the urban furnishings (concrete scrubbed, scraped concrete or concrete with desired pattern. Opening for waste is placed in the square fiberglass roof and can be colored according to the type of waste.

We got

About company

The history of the company dates back to 1990, when the reflex company, which started the production of sorted waste containers, was established. In 1993 REFLEX Zlín, spol. With a focus on the production of glass-fiber containers for collecting sorted and municipal waste and water attractions.


REFLEX Zlín, spol. s r.o.
tř. Tomáše Bati 385, 763 02 Zlín, Česká republika
+420 577 644 535 -

Reflex production facility
Hvozdenská 240, 763 11 Zlín - Lužkovice
+420 577 104 944